Skillful Teaching Blog is a place to share your insights, challenges and successes with your peers; to develop and deepen your skills as a teacher and to continue to navigate your profession with grace, openness and enthusiasm.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Starting Over Again

Last year sometime, most likely around the New Year, I wrote an article about the power of practice and the deep belief in allowing ourselves to start over again, and over again and over again. So it is to this thought I draw on now for a little strength to start again with our Skillful Teaching blog.
Life is pretty amazing - completely unknown, unpredictable and astonishing in it's uncanny ability to steer us in the right direction. Although it's not often the "planned" direction I find it is always the direction I am meant to go.
The skillful Teaching project has ebbed and flowed this past year with the ebb and flow of our studio, Pilates Collective. It has evolved as I've met, spoken with, been inspired by and taught by so many new people. And instead of waiting to see what it will become "eventually" I thought perhaps it better to take the bull by the horns and be present with what it is right at this moment.
It's exciting!
It's uncertain.
It's exhilarating.
It's very much a venture into the unknown.
And I feel like it's the right direction.
So, here we are starting again. I hope this post finds you well and thriving. I'd love to hear about how your teaching is going, what challenges you are facing and what you are doing to make your teaching more skillful.

1 comment:

  1. Well, you hit the nail on the head, about beginning over and over again. I think each time, I get bogged down, and feel like either my own practice or my teaching is not fresh, that I am "Returning to Life"!

    I have a particular challenge because my studio is in my home, thus I don't have the advantage of working out with other teachers. This is not only a challenge in terms of being able to work out with other teachers, but it is a social challenge as well. The presence of other professionals is a help. So, when I lose my own sense of continuing to be lively or struggling to maintain my own practice, I go to the "Y" and take a MAT class.

    This past November I went to the annual PMA conference, and that was a big boost as well.

    I deeply appreciate your blogging Pilates exercises, as I can do that as well.

    I hope to be able to come an attend a workshop up your way some time.

    Thanks to all of you at the Pilates Collective.
